Race 23: Hurdy Durdy

As the race’s tagline says, “What’s a hurdy durdy? Who knows! But it’s sure fun to say…” I got another trail race in with the Western Reserve Racing group. Trail races are easily my favorite type of races to run, even if I have to walk a chunk of them.

This was a 5 miler set at Bedford Reservation. I got to enjoy more pretty scenery as I plugged along. I found this race MUCH easier than my first trail race back in February, though it was 1.2 miles shorter. Lots more hills on this one, including jumping over a fallen tree. Mind you, this was a good size tree too. Made the race quite interesting encountering that along mile one and four!

I ran a bit with a number of different people, chatting with them a bit, passing them, and being passed by them. All in good spirits too. Being newer to these races and towards the back, there seems to be quite a bit of joking between people as we pass each other, not to say it isn’t there towards the front of the pack. I just wouldn’t know seeing as I’m a bit of a turtle.

Crossed the finish line at one hour and nine minutes with some odd seconds to spare, putting me a bit closer to 1h10m. And as always, one of my favorite parts of trail racing is getting dirty!

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This isn’t too bad, but still a good splattering! I had a bit of a drive home after this too, so the shoes got shed and I slipped into some sandals. But the dirt, oh the dirt stayed on until I got home…

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